The Décor Shoppe is an online home and lifestyle shop based out of Markham, Ontario. We offer curated range of home goods for you to add to your personal style. Each item that we carry has been sourced carefully. We hope you will find everything you need for your creative spaces.

About Carrie
Hi, my name is Carrie. I am the founder and operator of The Décor Shoppe. Three years ago, after giving life to my first child Colston into the world, we moved from a bungalow to a larger house in Markham Ontario. As a stay-at-home mom, I realized my obsession with creating new atmospheres in my home by moving furnishings around and utilizing each piece of accessory I've collected bring me much joy. And this is where I began my obsession with home decoration.
I started dreaming and planning went back and forth for over a year on whether to start a retail business. A few things consistently dragged me back from moving forward with my dream, like my fears of failure, making decision alone, and being continuously overwhelmed. But today, I decided to step out on a limb by launching my online shop to chase my dream!
I hope you will enjoy browsing and shopping here for your organic and timeless pieces that can be styled and collected in your own home.